August 25, 2015 Tom Elliott 0Comment


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CS Lewis famously framed the Lord, liar, lunatic discussion about Jesus. Lewis, once an atheist, logically concluded that when Jesus claimed to be the only way to Heaven (John 14:6), there were only three ways to evaluate such a statement. Jesus was either lying, out of his mind or He was whom He claimed. After all if you came to me and claimed to be a turtle, I would use the same process of thinking. (By the way, I think you would be crazy and lying). However, if you had hard (pun intended) evidence to back your claim I may investigate. Let’s say there were eyewitnesses to your Turtleness, and one of them said to me, “Yes, he is a Turtle, but has been slow to come out of his shell.” Then I would laugh at the poor humor, but I also might think for a moment that it could be true… hopefully not long.  Well, CS Lewis investigated the evidence for Jesus, which is overwhelming, and concluded that Jesus was the Son of God.  Lewis then became one of the best defenders for the Person of Christ and the Christian faith.  begins at this point. Jesus is the One Way to Heaven, but He is so much more. Jesus is the very center of faith, the main subject of the Bible, and the focus of all ages. God the Father has given Jesus the highest Name in the Universe (Lord), and has promised that one day every knee will bow before Jesus and acknowledge Him as such (Philippians 2:1-10). Jesus is also the only person who can live the Christian faith successfully, no one else can do it… unless they have Jesus living in them, giving them the power to live as Christ calls us to live. Anything short of this will end in frustration or worse.

That is my hope, that you will have a Jesus focused life; this is what I am pursuing, and I would like to be an encouragement to you in the this quest.

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of faith.” Hebrews 12:2

Tom Elliott