
My Daughters Wedding

December 15, 2015 admin 0Comment

Wedding finale

It was a Hallmark kind of day…  one of those snowfalls that piled up on branches and created a winter wonderland. The Bride was stunning, and the Groom a perfect gentleman. I was honored not only to gain new family, but also to do the Ceremony alongside the Grooms Father, Pastor Ron Lewis. Several commented that they have never felt the Presence of God in a Wedding like that day.

I was a bit nervous about doing the ceremony. I have done many in my life, but to do your own daughters… well that is tapping into a level of emotion unparalleled. However, God gave me grace to do the service without breaking down too much, and besides it was one thing I did not have to pay for!

I shared this simple Scripture:

Ephesians 5:31–32 –  “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.

In verse 31, Paul the apostle is quoting Genesis 2,  where God established the definition of marriage. However, by inspiration of the Holy Spirit Paul adds vs. 32; “This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the Church.” I find it fascinating, that after this section of teaching on marriage we learn that the Husband and Wife are not the focus of marriage;  it is Christ. What can we glean from this:

  1. Marriage shows us how close we can be to Jesus. Marriage is the most intimate relationship any person can experience. Yet, 1 Corinthians 6:17 tells us, “ But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.” The two become one.
  2. Marriage is to be a preview of coming attractions. What is the love of Jesus like; marriage is called to be a preview.  How much does God love people; marriage can show us.

Marriage is best when Jesus is the Focus. That is what I told them Saturday, and that is why I encouraged them to draw all their strength from Jesus (John 15), so they would be able to love each other as Jesus loves them.  You can only give away what you have. I then told them to enter into a Holy competition, in which they seek to out serve the other. I finished by encouraging them to set their sights high in marriage. Elizabeth has told Trenna and I that she would love to have a marriage like ours, however our marriage is great because it has been Jesus focused. We are finite, we are limited, we are warped and we are self seeking. Jesus is infinite, unlimited in power, perfect in Character and He lays down His life.

This is another reason why the Jesus focused life is the best life possible. I am unable to love like Jesus loves, or live like Jesus lives; Jesus offers to love us and then love through us, and live in us then live through us.