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A key Word for 2016

December 31, 2015 admin 0Comment


Recently, during morning devotions I asked the Lord a question; “Is there something you want me to say about 2016?” Immediately, I sensed this from the Holy Spirit; “Tell them that I must be their Stronghold.”

Since “stronghold” is a frequently used term in the Bible,  I began a search for which verse would be most applicable. I landed on this obscure passage from the Prophet Nahum:

Nahum 1:7 (ESV) – “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.”

Nahum is often considered part two of the Book of Jonah. Jonah prophesied to the city of Nineveh about 100 years before Nahum, and witnessed one of the most powerful spiritual awakenings in history, as the whole city repented. However, the repentance was not lasting and in 660 BC, Nahum found himself declaring the destruction of Nineveh (while it was at its height of power). In 612 BC Nineveh was destroyed.

Tom, are you implying that America is like Nineveh and is soon to be destroyed? Yes and No. Yes – America is like Nineveh in its idolatry. No – I have no idea if America is soon to be destroyed. (The current path we are traveling will at least make us an average nation, and not the one who rescued the world from the darkness of Nazism or Communism). Here is what I do know:

  • World powers come and go.
  • We are in days of trouble, and the conquering of fear is a must in these times.
  • Only One Government never fails or falls, the government of the Kingdom of God.
  • Only One City is eternal – The New Jerusalem.
  • Not only in 2016, but all the time the Lord must be your Stronghold (fortress, hiding place, refuge).

“The Dark Knight Rises” was being shown on July 20, 2012 and an evil man killed 12 people in Aurora, Colorado. On July 21, 2012, I heard this from the Holy Spirit; “You are living in the days of Esau.” Esau was a man who operated by basic instinct, and was infamous for selling his birthright for a bowl of soup. In the Bible, Esau represents uncontrolled sexuality, and living for the desires of the flesh. I find it safe to say, that we are indeed in the days of Esau and we have seen the fruit of this lack of self-control. This has led to a time of delusion:

2 Thessalonians 2:11–12 (ESV) – Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

The context of these verses pertains to the unveiling of the Anti-Christ, and one of the signs will be a “strong delusion.” It is my observation that we are in a time where people believe the craziest things, a strong delusion.  This delusion led to 3 key moments in 2015 where spiritual lines were crossed, and it is these three lines being crossed that leads me to understand why the Lord must be our Stronghold in 2016.

I will share these 3 lines next week. (Warning, they are not for the faint of heart, or the easily offended).

Until then, start the year off right. Be Jesus focused… dive into the Word of God… forsake distractions… Fix your eyes on Jesus.