Current events

2016 Predictions

January 5, 2016 Tom Elliott 0Comment


This is part two (see previous post called, “A Key Word for 2016.”) In that post, I give a key scripture for 2016, Biblical reasons why we are in our current situation and background to the 3 lines in this article.

The 3 lines:

  1. The Celebration of Mental illness – April 24 – When Bruce Jenner declared himself to be a woman, the world celebrated. Bruce was declared by some to be the “woman of the year,” even though he never be a woman. Liberal media declared people who disagreed with his choice as harsh, while those who celebrated were compassionate. Personally, my heart breaks for Mr. Jenner. Why? Because anyone who does not know their identity is confused, and when it is to the extent of not knowing your gender… you are in serious need of help. Compassion in his case would reach out and try to help, not celebrate such madness.
  2. The Redefining – June 26 – In no way do I want homosexuals to be bullied, mocked or discriminated. Also, I realize that people are going to do what people do. However, to change a 5000 year old definition of marriage was a line crossed, and it is one from which we may never recover. 
  3. The Shrug – July 14 – Videos began to be released showing the inner workings of Planned Parenthood. Clear discussions of using “less crunchy” methods for killing children were discussed over glasses of wine and salads. The anti-life media immediately went to work, and declared these videos to be a hoax even though they found “no evidence of audio manipulation.” Whether or not evidence for the sale of human body parts was found is up to the courts, but to ignore the casualness in which the destruction of human life was discussed was a line crossed… and this line may be the worst of all.  For the most part, America Shrugged… nothing to see here, move along. Republicans abandoned any shred of morality when they did not attempt to take PP out of the 2016 budget. 

Do these 3 tragic moments not demonstrate the delusion which we are under?  These are three of the most basic aspects of our existence! Male and female…  blurred. Marriage, the most basic human relationship… blurred. Human life… who cares, just use less crunchy methods… more than blurred, killed and sold. 

Lines were crossed; what does this mean? 

The basic biblical teaching is this; the further a person or nation gets away from God, the less divine blessing and protection. It is not so much that God sends judgements, it is a reaping of poor choices.  It is my Biblical understanding, and sense from the Holy Spirit that 2016 will see even more evidence of the poor choices our nation has made. As a result here are some of the dynamics we will experience:

2016 predictions:

  1. Small civil wars will break out which will be both racially and ideologically based. I would not be surprised to see more moments like Baltimore and  Ferguson, only much worse. We may also see hidden militia groups come to the surface, as well as violence from far right, and far left groups.

2. The Nero affect will become more intense. Nero hated Christians and is infamous for burning Rome, then blaming Christians. I have friends in another Country who had to relocate their orphanage, because the villagers blamed them for the troubles in the town (reasoning: Christians are helping orphans… orphans have bad karma… therefore you bring trouble by helping people with bad karma). Dear Christian, get used to this, it is nothing new (see 1&2Peter). Even though the Church has done more for the disenfranchised than any organization ever, we will be the bad guys. We will be lumped in with the Westboro loons, as well as every other religious nut who does something stupid.  (I will write more on this at a later date).

3. Continued poor decision making will prevail. Many of us find it astonishing that the “smartest people” in our land make such idiotic decisions. From reckless spending to bandaid solutions for deep social problems; expect more foolishness. 

4. We will see a continuation, and increase of what Isaiah prophesied; “Good will be called evil, evil will be called good.” Isaiah 5:20

5. Good news! I believe many Christians (in name only), will be born again (John 3). Many Christians will grow tired of compromise. We will see a push back of “advice driven” preaching, and motivational speaking which is no different than what Oprah would say; instead the Gospel will be taught. Many pastors will be converted to the Person of Christ, and leave behind the shallowness of  “helping people be better.” (Good advice helps for the moment, but the Gospel transforms for a lifetime). Those who preach grace and truth will find themselves in the early stages of an awakening.  

Do not fear! If the Lord is your Stronghold, then He is your light and Salvation, you shall not fear! (Psalm 27) The most important things you can do are the following:

  1. Develop or deepen a daily meeting with God. This means time in the Word, prayer and worship.

2. Proclaim the promises of the Word over your life, home, family, friends. Be faithful in your Church… stay put, give generously, serve faithfully, encourage others. 

3. Ask God what he wants you to strengthen this year. Perhaps you will find my books to be of help. 

Stay Jesus Focused.