Holy Spirit

A Clash of Spiritual forces

March 28, 2016 admin 0Comment


It was bold, uncomfortable, and a bit risky, but it was exciting. The setting was a New Age Fair and individuals and organizations representing just about every form of New Age belief had set up their displays and were offering their brand of spirituality. Three of my friends and I also set up a display and offered to pray for people, whatever their need was. And the interactions were interesting to say the least, ranging from disdain and judgment to a local mind reader giving her life to Christ.

Late in the day I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to talk with every person at the fair who was a psychic (fortune teller, etc.). Most didn’t want to talk so I patiently moved from person to person until I came to a lady who was in the middle of a session with a client. I waited and watched from about 15 feet away until she was done. As I watched I noticed the psychic starting to struggle with her words. She was stuttering, confused, and distracted but she never looked up and her long hair prevented her from seeing anything in her periphery, but it was obvious that she sensed something wasn’t right. She then took her hand and moved it my direction and said, “There is a very strong force over there, would you please move?”—she still hadn’t looked up. Well the part of me that was raised to have good manners wanted to comply but the Holy Spirit made it clear that I was to stand still. She then continued in her attempt to do what psychics do, but her frustration became more apparent and once again she raised her hand in my direction and said, “There is a very, very strong force over there, would you move!?” This time I responded with Scripture; “Do not consult a medium or a spiritist, for they will defile you.” (Leviticus 19:28).

This is an excerpt from my book, Guided by the Holy Spirit. To buy this or any of my books in digital or print, please visit:
