
Running out of Gas

April 6, 2016 Tom Elliott 0Comment


I had just passed a sign that read “Prison Area, Do Not Pick Up Hitchhikers.” Trenna and I were heading to northern Michigan for a getaway; she was sleeping and I was lost in thought. Then it happened, I ran out of gas. I had been so lost in thought that I failed to pay attention to the fuel gauge, and so there I was, right next to a Prison and far from any gas station… hoping they were all locked up!

Mankind has yet to discover a self-sustaining energy source. Cars need gasoline and even electric cars need to be charged or supplied with new batteries. Perhaps someday man will discover a self-sustaining energy source, but for now every object that functions needs to be filled, charged, replaced, or time in the sun. Our physical bodies also need to be refueled through food and rest and so do our spirits and our souls.

Jesus said, “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every Word that proceeds from His mouth” (Matthew 4:4). Just as engines need fuel, we must have the Word of God in order to live. I am not talking about just having a pulse; anyone can be physically alive. I’m talking about the abundant life Jesus has for us (John 10:10). The Word is our food, it’s our fuel and we are spiritually dead without it. The Word sets our minds on the Spirit and breaks the power of the flesh; our old sinful nature.

(This is an excerpt from my book, Grounded in the Word. If you would love to grow in your walk with God, this book will help you. The Bible when used properly will give life to your soul, and connect you in an amazing friendship with God.)
