January 5, 2016 Tom Elliott

This is part two (see previous post called, “A Key Word for 2016.”) In that post, I give a key scripture for 2016, Biblical reasons why we are in our current situation and background to the 3 lines in this article. The 3 lines: The Celebration of Mental illness – April 24 – When Bruce Jenner declared himself to be a woman, the world celebrated. Bruce was declared by some to be the “woman of the year,” even though he never be a woman. Liberal media declared people who disagreed with his choice as harsh, while those who celebrated were…

December 31, 2015 admin

Recently, during morning devotions I asked the Lord a question; “Is there something you want me to say about 2016?” Immediately, I sensed this from the Holy Spirit; “Tell them that I must be their Stronghold.” Since “stronghold” is a frequently used term in the Bible,  I began a search for which verse would be most applicable. I landed on this obscure passage from the Prophet Nahum: Nahum 1:7 (ESV) – “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.” Nahum is often considered part two of the Book of Jonah. Jonah…