February 9, 2016 admin

Below is a response I gave on Facebook, to a seeker who was wondering if  Jesus and Buddha teach essentially the  same truths. Here is my response: (I started by addressing the point he made that all truth is God’s truth). I agree that all truth is God’s truth, for there could be no other source. God has always been in the business of distributing truth, so it is no surprise that various religious leaders and philosophers have proclaimed wisdom which enhances living. (There are varying degrees of revelation according to God’s Word; revelation through creation and revelation through conscience… although these two…

August 25, 2015 Tom Elliott

Welcome to Jesusfocused.com. CS Lewis famously framed the Lord, liar, lunatic discussion about Jesus. Lewis, once an atheist, logically concluded that when Jesus claimed to be the only way to Heaven (John 14:6), there were only three ways to evaluate such a statement. Jesus was either lying, out of his mind or He was whom He claimed. After all if you came to me and claimed to be a turtle, I would use the same process of thinking. (By the way, I think you would be crazy and lying). However, if you had hard (pun intended) evidence to back your claim I…