July 6, 2016 Tom Elliott

The beauty of confessing our sins… I was recently asked to give my thoughts about a particular book on grace. While I found much good in the book, I was highly concerned with the assertion it made that Christians no longer needs to confess their sins. The author went so far as to say that the entire chapter of 1 John wasn’t written to Christians, rather unbelievers. The reason; 1 John 1:9 – “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” The author could not reconcile this verse…

April 6, 2016 Tom Elliott

I had just passed a sign that read “Prison Area, Do Not Pick Up Hitchhikers.” Trenna and I were heading to northern Michigan for a getaway; she was sleeping and I was lost in thought. Then it happened, I ran out of gas. I had been so lost in thought that I failed to pay attention to the fuel gauge, and so there I was, right next to a Prison and far from any gas station… hoping they were all locked up! Mankind has yet to discover a self-sustaining energy source. Cars need gasoline and even electric cars need to…