July 6, 2016 Tom Elliott

The beauty of confessing our sins… I was recently asked to give my thoughts about a particular book on grace. While I found much good in the book, I was highly concerned with the assertion it made that Christians no longer needs to confess their sins. The author went so far as to say that the entire chapter of 1 John wasn’t written to Christians, rather unbelievers. The reason; 1 John 1:9 – “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” The author could not reconcile this verse…

April 6, 2016 Tom Elliott

I had just passed a sign that read “Prison Area, Do Not Pick Up Hitchhikers.” Trenna and I were heading to northern Michigan for a getaway; she was sleeping and I was lost in thought. Then it happened, I ran out of gas. I had been so lost in thought that I failed to pay attention to the fuel gauge, and so there I was, right next to a Prison and far from any gas station… hoping they were all locked up! Mankind has yet to discover a self-sustaining energy source. Cars need gasoline and even electric cars need to…

March 28, 2016 admin

It was bold, uncomfortable, and a bit risky, but it was exciting. The setting was a New Age Fair and individuals and organizations representing just about every form of New Age belief had set up their displays and were offering their brand of spirituality. Three of my friends and I also set up a display and offered to pray for people, whatever their need was. And the interactions were interesting to say the least, ranging from disdain and judgment to a local mind reader giving her life to Christ. Late in the day I was prompted by the Holy Spirit…