Values of Antioch Kansas City

Jesus – This should be obvious, but all of us tend to drift from the main thing, and into “good things.”

Encounters with God – Every Christian needs intentional focused time with God everyday in the Scriptures and prayer. Church services and other gatherings are opportunities for people to meet God in profound ways.

Discipleship & Spiritual growth – Churches need to facilitate small groups and discipleship. Discipleship involves many layers; 1 on 1, 2-3 people, LifeGroups and specialized intensive times. Antioch Kansas City will encourage all of these dynamics, and will have a Discipleship Training School. (My books are designed for both individual use and small group interaction).

Taking the Gospel to Every place on the Globe – Churches must work to fulfill the passion of Jesus and that is to see everyone have an opportunity to hear and believe. Antioch Kansas City will be a church that plants churches all around the world. Matthew 24:14

Relationships are bigger than problems, and more important than results.


Healthy leadership in the church – In 34 years of ministry I have seen far too many leaders fall for the traps of money, sex and power. I love to help develop leaders who are Jesus focused, and walk in confident humility.

Grace and Truth – Truth without grace will lead to harshness, grace without truth will lead to compromise; Grace and truth lead to life.

Developing depth with the Lord – In this hyper-paced culture few take the time to “Be still and know that He is God” (Psalm 46:10). Christians need to model the ministry of Jesus, who “often withdrew to a solitary place to pray” (Luke 5:16).

Restful work – Jesus said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28–30).

Friendship with the Holy Spirit – He lives in us, and it is our lifelong goal to make Him our best friend.

Talking to one another, not about one another – Healthy relationships begin here and spiritual maturity is marked by the ability to “speak the truth in love.”

Zealous for spiritual awakening, yet faithful workers in ordinary times.

Church leadership – A ministry model of singular headship and plurality of leadership, placing a value on unity in decisions.